I came across this article in today's Wall Street Journal - focusing on two of the most influential military and political leaders of the 19th century. For you history enthusiasts, it is an interesting article and I would go to the exhibit in NY tomorrow if I could!
We all have opinions, thoughts, grumblings, admirations or pros/cons about their histories in the Civil War, but to know a little more about them outside of that arena is even more enlightening.
From Grant's misbehaviors at West Point to his compassion for the treatment of Indians and to his love of the bottle....or from Lee's demerit-less career at West Point to his commitment to Chivalry and to his days at Washington College....there is so much more to these leaders.
Of course, they are remembered for agreeing to peace at Appomattox and setting the stage for the end of the Civil War, but this exhibit also focuses on their lives before and after that event.
Hope you enjoy the article, and maybe decide to do some additional reading on the two - it will be time well spent.